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Tankslag Frankrijk September 1944 
Auteur Bericht
Bericht Tankslag Frankrijk September 1944

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Kan er iemand meer inlichtingen geven over een tankslag in September 1944 te Arracourt Frankrijk.Op mijn zoektocht Langs de frontlijn van de 1ste Wereldoorlog kwam ik in het dorpje Arracourt en Réchicourt La Petite een infobord tegen met de verwijzing naar die tankslag alsook de oorlog van 1914-18 en de oorlog van 1871.


za okt 06, 2007 4:22 pm
Counter the attack, Panzer-Brigade 111 and 113

Panzer-Brigades 111 and 113 were both brigades of the heavier configuration of the 'second generation'. They also resembled the hastily build up of Panzer-Brigade 112. At the beginning of September they were considered fit for operations and earmarked for the planned counterattack against the U.S. 3rd Army near Nancy. Due to Allied air superiority the transportation by train was only possible during the night. The movement to the front also suffered from damage to the railways caused by air attacks. Finally both Panzer-Brigades arrived in the area around Lunéville on the 15th of September.

Originally Panzer-Brigade 107 and 108 were also destined to participate into the counterattack, but these troops were diverted to the northern sector of the Western Front after the British staged their ambitious airborne attack in the Netherlands. This left Panzer-Brigade 111 and 113 to clear the area east of Moselle, especially around the Marne-Rhine canal that stretched on the west-east axis south of Nancy. The expanding bridgehead over the Moselle threatened the separate the German 1st and 19th Army in Lorraine. For the Americans this bridgehead was a perfect staging area for an attack over the plains of Lorraine to the industrial Saar area outflanking the strong defence along the Moselle, including the fortresses of Metz and Thionville in the North. Not aware of each other plans both sides were concentrating tank troops in this vital area at the same time for offensive operations.

Before the planned German counterattack at September 18th the Americans were moving the U.S. 4th Armoured Division into the area of Arracourt, just north of Lunéville, to stage their attack towards the Saar, planned on the 19th of September. The U.S. 2nd Cavalry Group was meanwhile trying to wrestle Lunéville from the tenacious German defence of 15th Panzer-Grenadier-Division. On the 15th of September everything looked fine for the Germans, because American attacks were beaten off, but the next day the American troops attacked with the help of the 4th Armoured Division and the Germans had to withdraw. During the 17th the Germans were infiltrating the town again, because it was considered a vital key to the planned operations of the Panzer-Brigades against the Moselle bridgehead on the 18th of September.

The Germans had made up the following plan: Panzer-Brigade 111 would - with the help of remnants of Panzer-Brigade 112 - attack south of the Rhine-Marne canal from Lunéville towards the Moselle to cut off the Allied supply over this river. Meanwhile Panzer-Brigade 113 and 15th Panzer-Grenadier-Division would clear the area around Arracourt north of the Rhine-Marne canal. The southern attack took place under the command of XLVII Panzer-Corps and the northern attack resorted under LVIII Panzer-Corps, which were subjected to the German 5th Panzer Army under the command of Lieutenant-General Hasso von Manteuffel, a promising and relatively young officer with experience on the Eastern Front.

In the morning of the 18th of September the situation was confused in Lunéville, because the town was still contested by both sides. Still Corps-command of XLVII Panzer-Corps was under the impression that the town was well in German hands and send out Panzer-Brigade 111 to advance to the Moselle. Entering Lunéville the brigade became entangled in vicious street fighting with the 2nd Cavalry Troop, which took heavy casualties under the weight of the German superior numbers. The Americans had to withdraw but not before the reinforcements of the 4th and 6th U.S. Armoured Divisions had arrived. The German advance was effectively blocked and Panzer-Brigade made no further progress that day.

The Americans considered what the Germans planned as a major offensive as a local skirmish, part of the ongoing struggle for Lunéville. The Americans were not alarmed by the attack and meanwhile the 4th U.S. Armoured Division was preparing north of Lunéville for the attack to towards the Saar. These movements were carefully concealed from German reconnaissance. On the German side the setback of Panzer-Brigade 111 forced them to alter their plans and objectives. Now a combined attack in the Arracourt area by both Panzer-Brigades was planned to clear the area and take Nancy. Panzer-Brigade 111 would come from the south and Panzer-Brigade 113 would advance from the east, like a hammer and an anvil. For this purpose Panzer-Brigade 111 was handed over to LVIII Panzer Corps.

During the night movement through the Parroy woods towards the assembly area north of the Rhine-Marne canal Panzer-Brigade 111 got lost causing Panzer-Brigade 113 to attack alone. The attack of Panzer-Brigade 113 in the morning of the 19th of September was very promising, because although they did not know anything about the American strength they enjoyed tank superiority of at least two to one. Besides their movements were covered by autumn fog, which added an element of surprise and protected them from being spotted by the feared fighter-bombers. Nevertheless the Americans detected the German advance before the tanks could engage and prepared an ambush. This time the advantage of the fog was in American hands, because it enabled the tankers to engage the German tanks in close range. At the end of the day the Germans had lost more than 50 tanks, half the brigade's strength!

Frustrated by the failure of Panzer-Brigade 113 the German command moved in Panzer-Brigade from the south to attack the American positions around Arracourt once more the following day. The Americans were surprised by a second attack to the rear of their troops, because CCA and CCB of the U.S. 4th Armoured Division were moving northwards again to push on towards the Saar. CCA was hastily turned around to engage the Germans and manage to block their advance in the ensuing tank battle, although this time they also took heavy casualties. Panzer-Brigade 111 surprised the Americans but was unable to turn this surprise into victory due to the quick American reaction.

Meanwhile the CCB of the U.S. 4th Armoured Division was advancing north and threatened the drive a wedge between the German 1st and 5th Panzer Armies. The disappointing results of the attacks and the appalling losses of the Panzer-Brigades brought great distress among the commanders, because the attacks had no significant effect on the American forces or positions. Ultimately Hitler held Johannes Blaskowitz, commander of Army Group G, responsible and he was subsequently sacked and replaced by Hermann Balck, who was highly experienced in armoured warfare on the Eastern Front. The change of command and the movement of both Panzer-Brigades to the endangered zone in north delayed the continuation of the attack for more than 24 hours.

On the 22nd of September the Germans attacked the area north of Arracourt and they enjoyed the cover of the morning fog, like on the 19th. They bumped into American Cavalry forces, which were protecting the main force of the American forces of the U.S. 4th Armoured Division. The Cavalry was no match for the Panzers, but they held the Germans long enough for the CCA to prepare a defensive screen of tanks and tank destroyers to await the Germans.

When the Germans broke through the fog started to lift and they were exposed to the full power of the American defence consisting of tanks, supported by numerous artillery batteries and squadrons of aircraft. What followed was an inferno of fire in which Panzer-Brigade 111 was practically annihilated. From the original 90 tanks and 2500 troops only 7 tanks and 80 men survived. The commander Colonel Heinrich von Bronsart-Schellendorf fell the same day. Von Manteuffel committed Panzer-Brigade 113 to give the attack another chance, but this brigade brought no change. It was purposeless destroyed on the 22nd and 23rd of September, leaving the commander, Colonel Erich von Seckendorf, dead on the battlefield as well.

The destruction of Panzer-Brigades 111 and 113 heralded the end of both the German offensive operations in Lorraine and the Panzer-Brigades as major battle formations. There were two kinds of failures concerning the deployment of the brigades. Firstly, due to lack of reconnaissance Panzer-Brigade 111 became entangled in street fighting in Lunéville and bad co-ordination made the brigade miss their rendezvous with Panzer-Brigade 113, which could have caused the U.S. 4th Armoured Division a major defeat. Secondly, although the Panzer-Brigades harboured a lot of tanks their objectives proved far beyond their capabilities, especially the deployment of untested and inexperienced crew against the seasoned American tankers proved fatal. The one-sided armament of the Panzer-Brigades combined with the lack of fire support made their mission suicidal against overwhelming American firepower.


http://educatie-en-school.infonu.nl/bui ... -1944.html

za okt 06, 2007 5:54 pm
Paulus II
Hallo Felix,

Bekijk ook dit artikel eens:


Goed stuk en het bevat ook een kaartje van de situatie rond Arracourt en Réchicourt la Petite op 20 september 1944.



za okt 06, 2007 6:13 pm
Was er rond Carentan niet een tankslag waarbij een Duitse SS'er (Naam vergeten, wel een zeer bekende en goede tank-commandant) met een aantal andere Duitse Tiger's (5 tot 10 tigers) iets van 50 Shermans kappot schoten en daar de tankslag wonnen? Die zelfde tank-commandant kwam echter een paar dagen door een luchtaanval om het leven

za nov 17, 2007 11:12 am
Tiger Wittmann
Het gaat hier eigenlijk om Arracourt, en je doelt waarschijnlijk op Michael Wittmann? Die vocht niet in de buurt van Carentan maar Caen, beter gezegd bij Villers-Bocage.

50 Shermans is ook overdreven, 50 Geallieerde voertuigen komt beter in de buurt. Achteraf gezien was het een vergissing om Villers-Bocage in te gaan, hij had beter kunnen wachten op versterking en vooral infanterie-ondersteuning.

En hij is ook niet gestorven door een luchtaanval, maar doordat hij in zijn flank werd geschoten door een Sherman Firefly. Kijk anders eens hier http://www.panzerace.net/english/index.asp of lees ,,Michael Wittmann and the Waffen SS Tiger Commanders of the Leibstandarte in WWII" van Patrick Agte.

za nov 17, 2007 3:02 pm
Tiger Wittman. Uw heeft wel gelijk. Ik heb 50 Tanks gezegd (Komt door een verkeerde bron waar zelfs 78 tanks was aangegeven..) Maar het waren 30 Britste tanks die vernietigd werden. Ik bedoelde natuurlijke Caen geen Carentan , Carentan zij ik ook omdat ik niet veel van deze slag afwist.

Alleen één ding waarin uw misschien 50% gelijk heeft. Het is niet zeker of hij door een Sherman Firefly kappot werd geschoten. Ze twijfelen of het de rakketen waren van een Haker Typoon. Vandaar dat ik luchtaanval zij hiervan was ik wel op de hoogte..

za nov 17, 2007 3:39 pm
Tiger Wittmann
Hij is wel degelijk door een Sherman Firefly afgeschoten, er zijn meerdere ooggetuigen, zowel britse als duitse. Hier kun je het nog eens nalezen: http://www.panzerace.net/english/pz_bio_05.asp?page=3

za nov 17, 2007 3:49 pm
Tiger Wittmann bedankt voor die site. Op wikipedia stond namelijk dat hij misschien door een Hawker Typoon was afgeschoten..
Nouja, nu weet ik het wel gelukkig :lol:

za nov 17, 2007 3:51 pm
Het is idd ondertussen onomstotelijk bewezen dat hij door een Firefly is afgeschoten.

(Wikipedia is nog steeds niet echt de betrouwbaarste bron op het internet.)

za nov 17, 2007 4:15 pm
[quote="Rudi"]Het is idd ondertussen onomstotelijk bewezen dat hij door een Firefly is afgeschoten.

(Wikipedia is nog steeds niet echt de betrouwbaarste bron op het internet.)[/quote]

Jammer dat ik er nu achterkom dat wikipedia niet zo betrouwbaar is, als werd aangegeven.. Maar ja, ik heb nog ongeveer 30 wo2 boeken in de kast staan die ik ondertussen voor een groot deel gelezen heb. Jammer dat niet alle veldslagen in die boeken staan. Meestal gaat een heel boek over een onderwerp.. :roll:

za nov 17, 2007 4:23 pm
Kazin het is een kwestie van lezen.

Het is idd ondertussen onomstotelijk bewezen dat hij door een Firefly is afgeschoten.

Heb ook meerdere boeken waarin staat dat het een Hawker Typoon was geweest. Maar er komt in de loop der jaren wel eens nieuwe informatie/verslagen/ooggetuigen verhalen boven water waaruit blijkt dat het toch net iets anders was dan eerder beweerd is.

Wikipedia is nog steeds niet echt de betrouwbaarste bron op het internet.

Over sommige onderwerpen is het een hele betrouwbare bron, bij andere onderwerpen nog steeds niet. Er staan hier op het forum ondertussen genoeg topic waaruit dit wel blijkt. Het is nooit verstandig om op 1 bron afgaan, zeker niet als het een internet bron is.

za nov 17, 2007 4:44 pm
Rudi, dat is nou ook de reden waarom ik zoveel op wikipedia kijk. Er zijn mensen die er zomaar wat op kalken laatst stond dit er nog; 800.000 geallieerden doden bij d-day? Daar klopt natuurlijk niks van, maarja die was ook meteen verbeterd stond er amper een halfuur op. Daarom is het meestal wel twijfelen, moetje wikipedia nou vertrouwen of niet. Meestal staat er wel een andere bron aangegeven waarvan de Wiki schrijver het heeft, dan is het wel te vertrouwen.

Vandaar dat ik ook dacht dat het een hawker typoon was het stond niet alleen op wikipedia, in documentaires is het ook voorgekomen en in boeken ook.

Bedankt voor de informatie nog over wikipedia.


za nov 17, 2007 5:16 pm
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